1. 4 childrens, divorcee: maybe STRESS is aggravating the symptoms which along with disturbed immune system are the 2 main causes of
2. Lifestyle and Work place??
3. check your
Thyroid Profile.
4. AVOID: milk, acid fruits and food,vinegar, oily food,over eating, fish,meat, new rice, sugarcane products, too much salt, raw radish, sleeping during day, withholding natural urges, brinjal,sea food,tomatoes.
5. TAKE: Iron,folic,wheat bread, orange,green vegetables,brown rice, sweet and
astringent foods,boiled and filtered water to drink,honey,barley,tea,coffee (not after meals or during periods of fasting)
Vitamin E rich food is good: spinach-almond oil,sweet potatoe, sunflower seeds,
wheat germ.
7. taking bath in epsom salt or oatmeal containing water is also good.