Absolutely no use of household bleach designed for use on fabric is recommended in the mouth. Yes, Javex will kill the nerve. Somtimes a bleach compound is carefully used by a
dentist to disinfect the canal system of a tooth when having a
root canal. Exposure to bleach will cause your tissue to suffer from burns and possibly require a trip to the emergency room. Different formulations of
hydrogen peroxide are used to whiten teeth.
Your medication is known to affect the saliva flow in your mouth. This can have a detrimental affect on your enamel. Keep up with good daily
oral hygiene. Use toothpaste with
fluoride and make sure to rinse with fluoride. There are prescription flouride gels and rinses available. Your plaque can have a very thick consistancy and be difficult to remove if you experience a
dry mouth. You must increase your daily
home care. Avoid acidic foods and liquids high in sugar. Keep well hydrated and follow a good nutrition plan with balanced vitamins. Anti-inflammatory medication such as Tylenol or Motrin will offer pain relief while helping to limit inflammation. Eugenol or cloves can have a soothing affect on a toothache.
An exposed nerve will need dental treatment and will be the source of an infection. The infection will spread if left untreated. Usual options include a root canal with a restoration or an extraction. Antibiotics by prescription may be necessary if the tooth is painful and other symptoms such as swelling or pressure sensitivity develop. Emergency treatment can include being placed on aa antibiotic and putting medication with a temporary filling in the affected tooth.
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