Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of
anal cancer and before suggesting any alternate to avoid surgery one must consider following risk/aggravating factors for the same:
i. Age: Most people diagnosed with anal cancer are between age 50 and 80. [your father too must be in this age group]
ii. Smoking: Smokers are about eight times more likely to develop anal cancer than nonsmokers.
iii. Lowered immunity. People with diseases or conditions affecting the immune system and people who take immunosuppressive drugs that make the immune system less able to fight disease are more likely to develop anal cancer.
iv. since case is examined & diagnosed thus other pathologies of
anal canal [anal fistula] which causes anal cancer are excluded
2. people with anal cancer do have a high risk of contracting a
sexually transmitted disease (
STD), such as HPV [human papilloma virus]and HIV, thus anal cytology/screening is requested.
3. Squamous cell carcinomas of the anal margin are treated similarly to squamous cell carcinomas of the skin elsewhere in the body.
4. since cancer is diagnosed, relieving symptoms [supportive care] remains an important part of cancer care since treatment will depend upon staging of the cancer i.e. size and location of
tumor, spread to
lymph nodes or metastasis to other parts of body. [in which no alternate treatment is fruitful]
PS. you may send reports on munishsood07@gmail.com for preventive/ prophylaxis aspect.