1. hiatal hernia causes food and ACID to reflux back from stomach into
esophagus, as a result patient is afraid to consume food, resulting in
weight loss. [so have a check on your weight periodically]
2. since
hiatus hernia is there, [grade A] i.e. in initial stage, you can incorporate following lifestyle management:
. avoid bending/stooping forward or lying immediately after meals.
. avoid alcohol,
. avoid irritant drugs like pain killers.
. avoid citrus fruit, tomato, chocolates, spices,fatty food, deep fried food, grapes.
. take rice with plain dal or milk or ghee.
. do not keep the stomach empty, also do not take heavy meal.
3. You can ask for Prescription medicine like: Avipatikar Churan, Patoladi Kwath, Shankh Vati, Syrup Ayucid, Madhuyashti Churan, Dhatri Lauha.