1. If one has forgotten the ratio, so to be on the safer side, just take equal part of the three drugs and mix them and take according to dosage prescribed, apart from them, five step approach to the disease is:
i. Exercise: brisk walk for 45 minutes every day, at least 5 days a week along with Yogasanas and Pranayama. avoid complicated ones]
Stress Management:
Meditation for 15 minutes everyday [positive thinking] with relaxed mind.
iii. Low fat Diet:
. Avoid saturated oils [coconut oil, dalda, butter,ghee, cream] instead use monosaturated oils [olive oil] or polyunsaturated oils [sunflower, corn oil]
. Avoid all deep fried foods, unskimmed milk, and meat.
. Increase fibre intake i.e. leafy vegetables, salads, fruits, pulses and legumes.
. Use skimmed milk or double toned low fat milk.
iv. elimination of known risk factors:
Smoking, Weight reduction [if overweight], high blood sugar, mental strains
v. Drugs: Since
Hypertension is one example of Psychosomatic Disease, thus treatment of Mind is essential before addressing physical symptoms, thus you can take prescription medicines like: Prabodh Vati, Sarpagandhaghan vati,
Brahmi Vati, Tablet Mentat,
Ashwagandha Arishta for the same, and Arjuna Artishta, Mukta Vati for
high blood pressure.
PS. You can start practicing following natural home remedies:
. Add 1 spoon smashed fenugreek seeds and boil in 4 cups of water, till 1 cup remains. Filter it and add 4 spoons honey and drink for 1 month.
. Mix 1 spoon long pepper powder and 1 spoon jaggery and eat daily for 1 month.
. Add 1/2 spoon roasted turmeric powder to 1 coconut water, also add 1 spoon ghee and drink it daily for 1 month [heart ache due to blood pressure reduces]