1. The condition mostly affects people of Age 40 or older [ 59years in your case]
2. since she is diagnosed with
arthritis, make sure to rule out
diabetes, overactive or under active
heart disease,
tuberculosis or
Parkinson’s disease, [since people with them are more prone to develop frozen shoulder], check with routine examination/investigation
3. since condition is/are reversible but can initially limit ADL [activities of daily living] due to associated painful symptoms, thus management is directed towards:
. controlling pain [remove or reduce the causing force or stress]
. preserving ROM [range of motion] as much as possible
4. In Ayurveda we treat on the line of Avabahuka:
. Initially dry heat.
. successful and result oriented prescription is:
I. vatakulantak ras, rasraj ras,panchamrit lauha guggulu.
II. rason sura,dashmoola arishta.
III. erand pak
IV. Lehsun ksheer pak
V. Because there is inflammation resulting in thickening thus 'shotha har chikitsa' [anti inflammatory measures]
. avoid eating spicy, fried, pungent and oily foods.
[The aim of the Ayurveda treatment is to bring the vitiated vata in equilibrium. The most popular Panchkarma therapy is pizhichil, you may ask an experienced Panchkarma Doctor about the same]
VI. A physiotherapist can show you gentle exercises that will improve your range of motion, you may also ask for TENS [trans cutaneous electrical
nerve stimulation' which could help ease symptoms, although studies haven’t proven their effectiveness.
VII. For joint protection following guidelines are effective;
1. For Shoulder;
. Do not reach an object from sideways or backwards rather face it directly.
. when rising from chair, use your thigh muscles for rising and not your shoulders or hands.
. Wall push ups are more convenient than floor push ups.