Hello. Thanks for posting your query. I am Dr. Jaydeep and i am happy to assist you.
I understand your concern.
Chronic constipation, as in your case can be due to a lot of causes.
I will list out the causes for you :
- Inadequate water intake
- Inadequate fiber intake
- Lack of exercise
- Stress
- Hypothyroidism
- Other neurological causes.
Mostly some minor adjustments in the lifestyle leads to improvement in the bowel movement. So i will suggest you start taking adequate fiber ( green vegetables ), start drinking 3-4 liters of water, sleep and exercise well. If the constipation is too severe then i will recommend the following medication for 2 weeks :
1) Syp.
Lactulose 15 ml once daily before sleeping.
Have this syrup for 2 weeks, and also incorporate the other minor adjustments i talked about. You should see an improvement in 2 weeks time. If it still doesn't resolve, then go for
Thyroid Function tests, LFT and
Colonoscopy and get a general surgeon's opinion. He can conduct the necessary tests.
Hope this is helpful.