Hi, thanks for posting your concern in the HCM.
You are definitely having loss of concentration. Although thid is a common problem with
thyroid disorder, this can also occur due to emotional stress, anxiety etc.
sleep disorder may cause similar symptoms.
My recommendation is you should have a test for thyroid profile (fasting TSH, fT3 and fT4) and Hb (anemia also causes lack of concentration) done.
If the results come out to be abnormal, you would need treatment accordingly.
In addition to that,
1. Avoid stress.
2. Maintain
sleep hygiene (please don't change bedtime every day, avoid late bedtime)
3. If you have
daytime sleepiness, consult a local
psychiatrist for further management.
4. Please have regular sessions for exercise (at least 45 min/day) and relaxation ( preferably 30 min/day)
5. Avoid tobacco and alcohol.
For any further questions, please write back.