As far as known to me humus formed by decomposition of plant material by soil microorganism.
.Due to decomposition this humus causes hyper acidity and this leads to
gastritis ,hence pain in stomach , nausea, and gas formation (
bloating and
belching ).
The best way is to control the diet ( humus ) .
The following measures will help in your case. Try raising the head of your bed 4 inches with blocks. It might also help to control stomach acid one should not drink eat 2 hours before lie down.
Avoid drinking alcohol or drinks with caffeine in them or eat chocolates or greasy or spicy foods. Also take some antacid but if symptoms are severe then you may need drugs like
proton pump inhibitors like pantoloc -D twice in day on empty stomach.
Feelinf of extreme hunger is also due to
hyperacidity because in stomach hydrochloric acid secreted which develops such type of feeling , once some eatable is in stomach , patient feel relief because hydrochloric acid engage in digestion process of food material.
Hope this information will help you.
Good luck.