Hi I am from India. My mom is in ICU since last one month. She is semi consious. No body movement, not hearing our voice. She is opening her eyes occassionally. Doctors diagnosed her with menengitis and Infection in brain also multiple bleeds. She got unconsious on 16th August 2011. She is in same condition since lasst one month. She is on ventilator. She is cardiac patient. PTCA has been done in 2003. She was doing well but suddenly from July she start behaving differently. She had vometting first time in July and after that voemtting she start loosing her memory and her behaviour got changed. We took her to the neurologist, they said it is age related and also they were suspecting dementia. With there treatment her condition gets worst and one day she got unconsious. Now doctors are giving her Anti Tubercolosis medicines and antibiotic and injection levipil. She never had sugar but now her sugar level is going up to 600 some time. They are giving insulin. Her Blood pressure is also going down, to mantain that they are giving Dopamine injection. According to doctors improvement will b e very slow. We are conserned very much because she is not responding over the voice and she doesnt have any movement in upper part of body. When we touch she moves her legs a bit. Doctor please let me know what exactly happened with my mom. We have done MRI CECT, NCT Head and CSF. According to MRI she is having menengitis and infection. CECT report says Cerebral atrophy. ADA report is positive (15), TB PCR report is negative and melegnant cell report is also normal. Kindly help me in this regard. My mom age is 68years. Regards Shabnam Parveen