Hi, I have had a LAD stent placement last July. I m 57 years old, female, 5 6 . I was 195 lbs at the time. I am still 195 lbs after trying several different life style changes. I feel the medication I m on is diminishing the effect of weight loss. Normally, I do not have high blood pressure, nor do I have high cholesterol. Because of the stent, for one year I have to take metoprolol 10mg, effient 10 mg, atovastatin 80mg, and a baby aspirin. My lipid panel in January = ldl is 68, bp is 110/62. So, what I m asking is, how many calories should I have in a day? I ve gone as low as 1200, without any result. I m hungry at that level, tired, and I get shaky. Very shaky. I am not (pre) diabetic either, so what do you think? Thanks.