I suffered from a spontaneous pneumothorax that healed after 4 days 2 weeks ago. My doctor said it had to do with smoking. I quit smoking, but an hour ago I took 2 hits out of a vaporizer, my back around the site of the collapsed lung started hurting, the pain has disipated for the most part. But when i move around it sounds like bubbling in the area. I had an x-ray yesterday and my doctors said my chest was fine, my lungs were 100% a ok. I also spoke to my doctor about my anxiety disorder and that i haven't been taking my meds, she told me that my pain was all in my head and due to my anxiety disorder. I am considering going to the emergency room, but if i go and it turns out my lung is collapsed again, they might put a chest tube in, which would completely ruin my life.
i'm 19 just started living on my own have a job and take summer classes