I have chronic pain from 2 herniated discs . C 5-5 C 6-7, chronic arthritis in neck and back and knee. And now new injuries from fainting twice on baclofen 20mg. My Aarp will not pay for soma, which I didn t want., or robaxxin 750mg, which was actually helping somewhat. I have ulcers, so the Percocet 10, and it barely helps, is gonna give me ulcers again because of the acetaminophen and caffeine keeps me up, and I m a f/t student in 3 weeks. Oh and the baclofen messes with my memory. Tramadol is useless, already tried that. I actually was already told I need surgery. In 2004 by Ortho surgeon.. But I have obstrctive sleep apnea. The healing part... And 10 years into menapause. Bone density test required. And when I fainted, I was standing. I fell back almost 10 ft and smacked my head on the corner of the table. Then my back and the rest of me onto the floor. I didn t know what happened. I thought it was a fluke, I was tired . So I went on the patio to eat my blueberry muffin, as I was starving. And next thing I know , smack, onto the even harder& colder pavement. Now my good knee is a bit sore as well. And I have several bruises on my right arm.my left sight of my back down to my hip is is really sore. Thank you.