over past year pain in finger joints right hand. .mainly middle finger and thumb, I rather ignore it, but recently the pain can be excruciating during night, I wrap hand firmly under duvet, maybe fall asleep.morning time, afraid I will let kettle fall. called to GP for 20mg Crestor for chol. no high BP, no Diabetes. recently had full MOT ==had to remind my Gp about hand/finger. he sent me for an xray, results showed nothing.......told him, not satisified, not driving 60 miles to my Dr for fun......so now took blood test yesterday to check for arthritis. also asked for a rheumatologist referral. left hand thumb tingles, would ignore only think connected to right hand problem. THANK YOU FOR SHEDDING LIGHT. I have had few health prob. back surgery, lazer on kidney, big eye surgery for muscle loss, I am tired of problems. None appeared until ten years ago, my husband died !!!!!!!!!!.. 1 am 72 years