Hi, I'm a 29 year old woman with a family history of heart disease and high cholesterol. My cholesterol was elevated at my last checkup and I was placed on simvostatin and Ezitimbe (both of which I had to stop taking due to the severe side-effects) For the last 4 months I have been experiencing palpitations - twice so severe that I ended up at emergency - and occasional sharp chest pains. I was prescribed inderal tablets and they eased the palpitations, but did nothing for the pains. I have done a resting and stress ECG, a sonar of the heart, chest x-rays, thyroid tests, potassium and iron tests..... and countless more. Nothing seems unusual. The palpitations returned about two weeks after I finished taking the Inderal and have only recently started subsiding, when I started taking a magnesium suplement. The chest pains, however, seem to be increasing in severity and lately I have been experiencing cramps in my neck and left arm. I have been taking asprin when this occurs and it seems to help. Should I ask for an angiogram to be sure that all is o.k? Since no other test seems to show anything.