Hi welcome to HCm
I have gone thru your query regarding cure loss of lumbar lordosise . I can understand your concern .
Dear , our day today derailed life style and faulty food habits cause our immune system to become weak and lead to various sufferings . Lumbar lordosis is one of such autoimmune diseases .
Balanced diet including all essential nutrients and
antioxidants in natural form , regular exercise deep breathing ,
meditation and
yoga posture are very helpful in removing your health problems .
Backbends usually give relief to lordosis. When done purposefully backbending poses increase the C curve of your lower back, and there by help in building strength rather than exploiting your weaknesses.
Certain poses, such as setu bandh (Bridge ), will help you to build strength in the lower back muscles, which in time may help correct your lordosis. Also Cobra, when done correctly build strength in your middle and lower back.
Agnisara , Kapalbhatti and Nauli can strengthen the abdominal muscles and diaphram. Tadasana (standing straight) will also help in giving a correct posture.
Avoid fried fast foods too much of sugar, tea, coffee ,alcohol ,
smoking ,
stress ,
constipation .
Hope this helps solves your query .Take care , All the best .
Don't hesitate to get back if have any further query