My 5 month old son was observed with shivering legs symptom from birth time till now he completed 5 months. One of the Pediatrician advised to take Osto-Calcium for deficiency and not to worry. Other Pediatrician suspected and advised to go for EEG test. The baby is perfectly normal from our observation. It is very active and attaining the benchmark milestones in its growth at all stages till now. Here is the EEG report: Sleep EEG with PS. The background activity in PC and FT leads consists of mixed frequency of theta 5-6 Hz [90 - 110 UV], low voltage activity, moderate sleep spindles and delta 3 Hz [130 - 150 UV] , bilateral and symmetric. At few times, there are post central slow wave runs seen at [180 - 200 UV]. PS Non contributory. Conclusion: EEG is mildly abnormal and finding suggest post central dysfunction. Based on this report, the Paedetric Neuro whom we approached has asked us to take Meconerv-Z - a multi vitamins with Zinc Syrup dosage 3ml a day for next 3 months. Question: 1) I want to know whether this problem is curable in next 3 months time as we go with this syrup - Meconerv-Z (above mentioned) ? 2) What care or specific attention to be taken from me as a parent. example - like foods, coaching, etc.. (as he is now at 5 months age) 3) What symptoms I should observe with the baby and to be cautious. My Contact - 91-80956 09999 (India) Email - YYYY@YYYY