Noted the history about your 3 year old son who developed recurrent
ear pain after joining play school, Doctor told the reason to be due to
cold and
allergy and will go away as the child would grow, wants to know the medications and protection needed.
Yes, the commonest cause is inflammation in the area of Eustachian tube, enlargement of adenoids and tonsils.
This might have been aggravated by recurrent viral infection as he goes to play school and indicates low immunity that is yet to develop as he must be mixing with all students.
I would advise for him the following:
To break the cycle stop sending him to the play school till he recovers well to curtain the contacts.
Vitamin A and D levels. Correct the deficiency is present as per the Doctor's advise.
Nasal decongestant drops.
Immunity boosters such as multivitamins, mineral and trace elements.
Consult an ENT Surgeon for proper clinical examination, investigations and further management as per his advise.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. T. Chandrakant, ENT & General Surgeon