Hi Nikita,
you had Depo
provera shot in October & you bled till Janewary.
Actually the shot is to be repeated every 12 weeks-which was not done,the failure rate of Depo provera is .3% in 1st year-
* The bleeding you have may be due to
hormonal imbalance after withdrawal of the drug.
*Or there are all the chances you had conceived while under effect of the depot shot /you had conceived after withdrawal & are bleeding due to inevitable
abortion .
What ever the cause is- you need to visit a gynecologist for physical check up/investigations to assess the cause of bleeding.
By the time you will be given treatment to improve your general condition & stop bleeding with specific treatment which will depend on cause.
Once bleeding is controlled you have to adopt healthy life style with nutritious food,rest,light exercises,sleep & Iron vitamin,calcium,
protein supplements for coming back to normal health..