I have very painful muscle soreness all around my upper body. This is day 2 of constant pain whenever I generally move a muscle in my upper body. I havent done ANY exersize, or done anything that would tire out my body. I have just been doing nothing, and all of a sudden, I wake up in the middle of the night, With very intense pain all over my body, as if i have gotten a beating from a bat all day long. I couldnt sleep, and I keep waking up at least twice from the pain. Im 15 and I am about 5`8``, average height. The pain is more in my upper body than my lower, in fact, There is little to no pain in my legs. I have pain on my lower ribs, my crotch, Stomach area, my thigh area touching my scrotum, my whole back, and both my arms in the muscle area. I have had the same amount of pain since it started 2 days ago, no change. Its not going away, and I dont know what it is. Maybe You can help?