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Nocturnal itching and lesions resembling mosquito bites distributed over upper thighs, wrists, upper arms is very suggestive of
Scabies, an infection caused by the itch mite Sarcoptes Scabei. Nocturnal itching is characteristic.
A single whole body application of 5%
permethrin cream, from neck downwards, with special attention to the finger web spaces, axillary and groin folds, left overnight is curative.
It is advisable to treat all the family members, empirically since they may already be infected being in close contact with each other.
An OTC oral antihistamine e.g
cetrizine 10mg once daily would help in providing symptomatic relief from itching
All the clothes, bed sheets, pillow covers , towels, handkerchiefs etc should be washes and air dried to prevent re-infection.