Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Hello, I am very embarrassed and feel sick even talking about the following: I have suffered from bad breath since my teens. I am now 40! I have thick saliva like substance at the back of my throat and on the roof of my mouth. I was a severe asthmatic as a child but when I came to Australia it disappeared..I was 5. I do smoke but don't drink. I am very social but shy away from sitting next to people. I have mastered chewing gum without anyone realising that I have gum in my mouth. I have been to all the dentists, spent a fortune at the periodontist so my problem is not with my teeth or lack of oral hygiene. My mouth is dry even though I feel like I do produce sufficient saliva. I am always bloated and recently can't stop burping air (not very lady like). Air gets stuck in my chest and I feel uncomfortable as I try to hold it in if I am in public. Please, please help me. I at times feel like giving up on life as all I want is to be with people without worrying about them knowing or in my mind finding out that I have bad breath (they probably already know).