Thanks for the query.
Dry skin can be physiological as well as pathological.
1. In winters skin loses moisture and air is very is dry, this causes dryness of skin.
2. In some cases like
hypothyroidism or use of hypo lipidemic drugs there occurs lipid derangement in body leading to dryness.
3. Excessive use of soaps also causes dryness.
Use the following measures to counter dry skin.
1. Get your
thyroid function tests done to rule out pathological dry skin.
2. Avoid using soaps.
3. Use a face wash to wash your face instead of soap.
4. Apply good amount of moisturizer immediately after bath.
5. Coconut oil is a good substitute to moisturisers.
In addition to above take plenty of fluids and take fruits rich in
Vitamin A and E.
Avoid contact with detergents.
You can use hand gloves when washing or doing other household work.
Wear full clothes to avoid loss of moisture from skin.
Let me know if you have any other doubts.
Thank you