My 30 year old boyfriend has had a cold the last few weeks. He paints and does sheetrock work so is constantly around dust. He has no known allergies but I'm allergic to everything so I know that's the cause of the cold. This past Monday he blew his nose too hard and his ear popped. He hasn't had an ear infection since he was a child, so of course I believe he's ruptured his ear. I have ruptured my ear drum twice and no what to expect. Well when it popped it didn't hurt immediately like a typical rupture nor did it start draining. The next day torwards the afternoon is when the pain became unbearable, no drainage still but he's spitting out blood constantly. This is going on 5 days now still no drainage out his ear just his throat (blood) which leads me to believe it's inner. He is taking too much advil b/c the pain is unbearable which is terrible for you in large amounts. From my experience once it starts draining the pain should subside but it hasn't. The whole left side of his face is numb and his balance is off, buzzing in the ear, and the throbbing heartbeat. He's a very stubborn man and is refusing to go to doctor b/c he doesn't have health insurance and is embarrassed. Please give me some advice....I know so much about all of this because I'm a walking allergy, have had sinus surgery and has chronic sinus and ear infections that swell my face up. I have never experienced this in my 30 years of life. PLEASE HELP