hello doctor , i am 42 YRS old , at the age of 22 I had some sort of accident its like a hit in the pubic area , that caused burning and pains in the pubic area and around the penis and it was accompanied with errection weakness and this lasted until now , i have tried viagra and cialis , both gave me some errection but not as natural and normal as i used to have in the early twenties and before , its hard for me to get errection , though i get few ones within long period of times and not sufficient to go through a sexual intercourse , Would the cockring help me ? in combination with Cialis ? what shoud i do , my life is nothing after i lost my capability and even i feel embarrassed to go to the pharmacy whenever i wanted to have sexual intercourse , my wife considers me to be her brother and doesnt percieve me as her husband ? what is your advice doctor ? i did blood tests and my sperm examination was very active but there is no errections very few and not satisfactory , one doctor told me its a nerve injury and what i need is continuous support of cialis or viagra , does the cockring help ? what should i do ????
plz help me
thank you very much