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Erectile Dysfunction Questions & Answers

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2 1 Fri, 28 Oct 2022
Hey, I m 24 years Male and i have this problem that started to bother me now. I ve smoked for like 7years and now i ve quitted honestly about 2months ago. I had gf that left me not like week ago and i had little sex problems before..i was kinda nervous etc it was hard to get erection but when i...
2 1 Wed, 24 Jul 2019
I am suffering from ED. I was on a daily does of 900mg of Gabapentin for 2.5 years then was switched to a daily does of 400mg of Lyrica. One of these, I suspect is the culprit. My bet is on Gabapentin, but I cannot find confirmation that it causes ED. I have also been on Meloxicam for 3 years. If...
3 2 Fri, 7 Jun 2019
Hey Doctor I’m 23 years old and I’m having problems with my penis. Penis will get hard but not hard enough for penetration, also loss erection and it been happening for a long time I say 2 years and I always avoid situation that I have a problem. It’s not a physical problems I exercise and it’s...
21 1 Wed, 29 May 2019
I had an episode of TIA about a week ago. I am hypothyroid for the last 40 years and take 125mcg of Eltroxin. I am also hypertensive and take the following medication accupril 40mg, naorvasc 7.5 mg, and after the TIA they added 60mg of Atorvastatin, and 75 mg Plavix. After the addition of the...
7 1 Tue, 21 May 2019
Hello, I just typed a lengthy question re: erectile dysfunction and atherosclerosis. Now this screen asks the question again. Do I misunderstand? Can the values I gave over time give the symptoms I describe? My wife keeps complaining my cholesterol numbers are terrible. The company doc tells me...
2 1 Fri, 22 Mar 2019
I’m 28 years old and this is embarrassing but I need to ask, I almost have ed I think. I can’t stay in a mood but for like 3 minutes. Or less sometimes is there anything otc that works like viagra? I don’t have insurance so I can’t afford to go to the doctor
35 1 Fri, 1 Feb 2019
Hello, I am 25 years old and have recently discovered that I have Beta Thalassemia Minor. For the past year I find that I cannot sustain my erection during the length of the intercourse. I never seemed to have any problems before this. A recent test of Free and Total testosterone showed that I...
13 1 Fri, 18 Jan 2019
hi, I have diabetes, my sugar is pp.174 & fasting 163,I feel tremendous weakness. currently I am taking 1 tab of Isryl M2,Zilos AM, and Ecospryn 75, in the morning after breakfast,and Glycomet SR 500mg after the dinner,along with cobadex Z capsules. What medicines should I take to fight weakness...
8 1 Fri, 11 Jan 2019
hello doctor , i am 42 YRS old , at the age of 22 I had some sort of accident its like a hit in the pubic area , that caused burning and pains in the pubic area and around the penis and it was accompanied with errection weakness and this lasted until now , i have tried viagra and cialis , both...
13 1 Fri, 11 Jan 2019
hello sir &doctor, how are you.hope u fine... sir i see your programme in the telivision.its quite amazing..your way of answering is very good and its very useful to younger generation..sir i have also one doubt and problem... my name is sulthan. i am 26 yeras weight blood group...
6 1 Fri, 11 Jan 2019
hi, i dont know whats wrong, im a 20 yr old male, and the past two days iv been sick, night sweats hot and cold flashes swore joints headaches and now today i feel better but my cheeks are completely swollen, this has been happening once a month for 5 months now, except once my stomach had sharp...
39 1 Fri, 11 Jan 2019
I received an offer through the mail for Libid Crystal Shots, a sachet of natural powder that you pour into your mouth. The claim is that this creates an almost instant reaction & you achieve and maintain a powerful erection. Is there any truth in this? Also the claim is that there are no side...
7 1 Wed, 19 Dec 2018
hi, my name is amin, i m 17 years old, recently me and my girlfriend were going to have sexual intercourse but i could not get on an erection which was very embaressing other times when i am with her and we re kissing i can get on an erection with no problem but when it comes to sex i cannot get...
11 1 Tue, 18 Dec 2018
My husband is on Cumaden for Afib. He is very upset that he cannot keep an erection and will not discuss it with his doctor. After he achieves proper level of Cumaden, they plan to shock his heart one month later. Can anything be done? Can he do anything about it? Is this a medication he may have...
7 1 Tue, 18 Dec 2018
Hi, I m 16 years old and me and my girlfriend have messed around at times before and I have been able to get a full erection with no problem and even when I hold her I still get an erection. Recently we tried to have sex but I just wasn t able to get a full erection. Why is this? Is there...
12 1 Mon, 17 Dec 2018
hello sir, I am 25 years male from Pakistan, I have an erection problem from last three years, as soon i get erection i feel like i am going to cum, that s why i am afraid of getting married, i also not waking up with morning erections from the last 8 months. i mostly have a burning sensation in...
9 1 Mon, 17 Dec 2018
I have a sexual problem... my problem is i used to have very good sex life with my wife, but now all of a sudden i am not getting a errection when i go to her , but at the same time i am gettign errection when i mastuburate even 3 times a day.kindly help
11 1 Sat, 15 Dec 2018
my 47 years old bf is sometimes experiencing some discomfort in his testicles,plus have an erectile dysfunction,what are the most possible cost? he already tried to consult many urologist about his E.D. but so far non of them give a sense answer,sometimes we thought that they never take us...
65 1 Fri, 14 Dec 2018
i practised mastrbation since i was 14,nowI am 29 year old unmarried. Since last 15 days my pennis has become weak and lost its hardness due to lots of masturation. It is not getting erected naturally.I controlled masturbuting since then.Can someone suggest how to regain the hardness. is there...
8 1 Fri, 14 Dec 2018
Hello Doctor, Good Day !!! My age is 25 years,Height 6 foot & weight 68 kgs ( as of now previously weight was very low ) smoking 2-3 cigerates a day & drinking whishkey on weekends is in habit ( drinking wine now a days).My problem is ED. I would like to decribe my past life which will healp to...
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