Heavy vaginal bleeding for 10+ days Hello, I am a 25 y/o 5 9, 200 lbs female. I have been having heavy vaginal bleeding since I messed up my cycle with the nuva ring. I have been using the nuva ring to skip my periods for a little under a year now, having periods every 3 months. my last nuva ring I kept in a 6 days longer than o should have. when I noticed spotting I realized I kept it in for too long. I refilled my prescription and put in a new one right away. clearly this was a very silly mistake. I have cramping and bleeding ever since. I took the new nuva ring out when the cramps became unbearable and felt really unnatural. it felt like someone was scrapping out my uterus with a knife. I am still bleeding moderate to heavily and I m definitely anemic. I feel week and light headed. what should I do? and when will the period end? thank you, Janelle