This question is about my husband. 31 years old, 6 3, 175 lbs, smokes e-cigarettes, has severe anxiety for the past 5 years. Has constant heart palpitations, heart rate slowing down, also pacing heart rate, heart thumps, choking feeling in throat. Pretty much every sensation you can have near or in your chest, neck and back. He also has forward head posture and an elevated hip on the left side. All these things happen when he does anything at all, takes the dogs out, goes to grocery store or at rest. He has had a stress test about 6 months ago that came back normal,, and a 24 hr heart monitor two months ago that showed: sinus rhythm, sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, rare premature ventricular contractions and rare premature atrial contractions. Cardiologist never went over results just said everything looked good just a few skipped beats which are harmless. Do to constantly SOMETHING happening in his chest or in its vicinity he had several anxiety/panic attacks a day. No further testing has been done or recommended nor has any suggestions offered as to better the symptoms or his situation. The only medication he is currently on is Ativan up to 2mg a day for his anxiety which tends to just make him agitated. Besides e-cigarettes he also drinks about 3 cups of coffee a day. We have tried eliminating caffeine, didn t make a much of a difference (though he only tried it for a day or two) he would love to quit nicotine but withdrawal causes more symptoms and anxiety attacks. Also both nicotine and caffeine are his way of calming down. Are further testing warranted (can t get the cardio to do any, nor the er) or can anxiety bring on such debilitating heart/chest issues. What ever the case what can we do to STOP it from happening? His anxiety won t go away till these symptoms go away. Btw he has had anxiety for 5 yrs (debilitating health anxiety) but heart related symptoms started 8 months ago.