Can understand your concern..
As per your complain loose stools and rashes occurs in infants who are undergoing
teething due to infection..
During the teething process the gums of the infants become sore and swollen leading to itching and the infants has the urge to rub anything that comes to their hand against the gums.At times they place dirty hands too in their mouth and all these leads to transfer of infection from the objects and fingers to mouth and from their to the stomach..
In this case there is infection in stomach causing loose motions.
Due to
excessive drooling of the saliva and touching of the saliva contaminated hands to parts of body the infants tend to accumulate more bacteria around mouth and body causing rashes due to infection..
In case of loose motions if there are few stools a day then maintaining better hygiene for the kid with more of fluids can cure but in case if there are heavy volume and frequent stools you should consult a Paedatrician as antibiotic treatment may be required as excessive water loose can cause
diarrhoea and
dehydration and can be fatal..
In case of rashes keep the body clean, free from saliva and dry by wiping at intervals to prevent bacterial accumulation and apply a natural lubricant like baby lotion or cream over the rashes to relieve the itching and dryness of rashes..Any antiseptic ointment should be applied only after consultation with Paediatrician.
You can give chilled and clean teething rings to your child for biting to relieve the irritation by the
cold effect
Wrap ice cube in a cotton cloth and apply over the gums to relieve the inflammation and soreness of teething..
Feed the infant with more of liquids and cool water for relief and maintenance of hydration..
Hope this information helps..
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Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.