Hi. I have a friend who went on a 4 day party trip to vegas that included, aderol, pot, cocaine, mushrooms, alcohol, and liquid extasy. He did all of them over the course of the 4 days, with little to no sleep over the entire period, ending on the last day with a mixture of cocaine, alcohol and liquid E. He came home last sunday the 10th. It is now the 16th, and he is suffering from insomnia, disturbing thoughts and dreams, panic attacks, and general fear that he has lost total grip on being connected to himself. He can t close his eyes because the beat of the music and the lights from the clubs play continuously in his head. He keeps posting the songs on facebook, but also wants it to stop at the the same time. (At the same time, he also says it was the absolute best time of his life. And he doesn t want to be back here in reality. But at the same time he s totally suffering and seems to have lost himself completely. I can attest that he is not the same person at all as when he left. It is as if he s gone and consumed by thoughts and insomnia). Can you please tell me if it s possible to go through side affect withdrawals like this after a 4-day bender? He is not a drug user at all...This was an isolated incident. Your help would be GREATLY appreciated!