So, basically, the other day my girlfriend & I were unergoing some sexual beheviour (She was quite vigeriously giving me a handjob) but it all felt fine, yeah. But I ve never actually stretched my foreskin back myself, whereas from her force, she managed to get it back quite some way.Since this (Yesterday, 17 hours ago) my foreskin has come back up, but only, this time it isn t completely covering my bellend, whereas it was before. 90% is covered, but the very top is visable, as if the foreskin is too.. floopy , or loose to cover my bellend back up again. It is literally just a circle shape at the top of my penis, and that is the only part which isn t covered up, but I feel like it should be. I m not really sure what to do/If I should be worried.I m 16 and not circumcised.