Hi, I am 52 years old, 6 2 approx 210 lbs. Exceptionally healthy. Active Martial Artit for the past 20 years. Question is in regards to my left arm, shoulder & elbow. Years ago I was a very good, active Dart player. About 20 years ago I lost my grip and arm so left the activity for years. Coming back the same issue seems to continue: To simulate: Lift Right arm up as if throwing a dart. I have 2 issues: First, I have to fight to bring my arm up into that position and secondly, once it is there the elbow wants to shoot out to the right. I mean like 5 inches or so to the right. Not sure if this is muscle tension, tendons, etc...... If you have never thrown a dart: Lift arm up parrellel to the ground, thumb pointing up. Close fingers in pen like grip and draw fingers back to eye. Push hand forward propelling dart to target. MY issue seems to be almost like the shoulder is not rolling properly. About 5 years ago a MRI was done on the shoulder for an injury and there were no tears. This issue began years before I became active in Martial Arts.