Dear Sir, I have taken a medical abortion pill on 20th may ( suggested by doctor) and the 2nd medicine taken on 22nd and then bleeding started..Some blood clots also came and and next day the bledding got stopped.I consulted my gyano and she gave me some more medinice and it bleeded for 5 days and then after 3 days, it is coming a few drops in a day till today. I was worried and went to doctor and made ultrasound...In ultrasound, the doctor showed that blood cloots + or - remained product of conception........I will meet my gyano tmrw and in the mean while, i am very much worried...... Please answer my few questions : 1.Will i need the surgical operations now? 2. Can i get some more medicine and the remained product come out with the help of medicine ? 3. Rear to the rear case, if the surgical abortion needed, what types of surgical abortions are there? 4. How much time will it take for the surgical operation ? Will the heavy bleeding come? 4. How much time it will take for me to come back to my home ? Please and please reply back asap. Thanks & Regards, Amrita