hi i have been having spasms since june, it first started with a droopy eyelid left side i was sent to hospital , where they sent me home later that day and said maybe migraine, i had a few more episodes and it went. then in august i was on holiday when my left side of face drooped it felt like my lip was pulling and felt like i couldnt open my eyes, this happened a few times , when i came back from hols i went to the docs and she referred me to the stroke clinic, inbetween waiting for the appointment i was taking back as had another episode, they did more tests ct , which was fine, and a mri was ordered. i went for mri and they found a pineal gland cyst 12mm and asked me to go back in a week for a one with contrast. i then woke up one morning and my face was pulled to one side and wasnt wearing of i was told to go back to a & e where they put me on a stroke ward i had 3 episodes in there, i was in for 3 days and then discharged as they didnt think it was astroke , i am now waiting to see a nurolgist and am getting maybe 5 - 6 a day now . the 2nd mri was just the same ! could it be hemifacial spasms, i have taking pictures and videod it so i can show the consultant. please help me vikki x