Hi, I do have a question for you. I am a 26 yrs. old male. In the past 5 days I have had testicular pain (not unbearable) but uncomfortable at times. I have had it before if i remember correctly, but very very rarely and it would only last for not more than 15 min. This time, though, it's been about a week already (the pain is not constant). I think it came after one of the days I spent in the gym ( i think i lifted more weights than i should have). As a result, in the first couple of days, my bowel movements became a bit irregular too. At times, i feel little bit of pain in my pelvis too. At other times, i only feel the pain on my right (or sometimes (rarely) on my left one only). Can you, please, help me figure out what it may be. I would really appreciate it, as well as your advice! Thank you!