Age 38, Female. 5' 7'', 130 lbs. Hello doctor, I am a chronic worrier and hypochondriac, and for the last couple months I am convinced I have throat cancer. Yes, I am a smoker and I tend to smoke more when I am nervous about stuff like this. Used to drink and party in my 20's but now I barely touch alcohol. It all started about 2 months ago, had this funny "ache" right below my left ear. Could barely feel it, but it was enough to make me start worrying. It's weird, but it almost seems worse when I have an empty stomach. (I also have acid reflux.) Just a couple days ago, I noticed the tonsil on the same side as the pain (left) has about 3 white dots on it, one looks kind of raised and inflamed. Then that little flap after the tonsil (right next to the uvula) has 2 tiny, tiny pimples on it, same color as the tonsil. I have no sore throat. The pain in now regular ear pain, like when I get my ear infections. I showed my throat to my Mom who is a nurse, and she said it's nothing, just infection. My tonsils are both about the same size. I talked to my Uncle who is a doctor, and he said I'm too young for throat cancer, that my voice would be hoarse if I did, and the whole thing sounds like a virus that settled in that general area. But I still don't believe anybody. Oh, and the more I get scared and concentrate on it, the pain gets INCREDIBLY worse in my starts stabbing and pinching. When I settle down and tell myself it's not cancer, the pain almost goes away. Tylenol also knocks the pain out for hours. (???) What do you think is going on? I DO still have the white dots on the tonsil and the 2 little raised bumps.... Thanks!!