My father(64 yrs -Ht - 5' 4'') is suffering from lung disease of water accumulation in his left lung, and till date 4 -5 times the deposited water has been taken out.According to the doctors in kolkata after going through the CT scan report,the water accumulation cannot be stop.The above things started from June, when for the 1st time the deposited water was taken out and it was tested, the cancer cell was found. He has gone through the 1st cycle of chemo and after that we shifted to "Homeopathy".Please let us know what I need to do so that I could have the treatment of both i.e Accumulation of water along with Lung Cancer, as I have spent lot of money here but couldn't get a remedy and seriously I am going through a financial crunch as I work in a call center and sole earner of the family. Please let me know who would be the best doctor in the above situation and how much will it cost or is it possible to stop the accumulation of water through Medicine, so that