My Grandma is 88 years old. She was walking by herself till Sep 2010. Then for some reason she refused to intake food properly. But she was taking medicines for heart and kidney those days. Finally, we found her creatinine values went above 6.0. Some doctors suggested for dialysis and she bacame very dejected. This even worsened her. Later we took her to our regular doctor and with the help of medicines, he controlled the creatinine values. But after this incidence, she could not walk alone. She always wanted someone to support her when she walks.
But this September, again for about 4-5 days, she could not have any in-takes. She became very weak. She could not lie down and sleep. She sits most of the time and even during the night. She feels some uncomfort when she lies down. Her voice is healthy now. Her intake also has improved. But her legs are swollen like fluid has been accumulated. Hence, she could not move her heavy legs now. Even with support, she finds it very difficult to walk.
Please suggest how her legs can be strengthed again and she can walk - atleast to do her own duties inside the house.