I am 33 years old, I was diagnosed with pneumonia almost a month ago after a short period of low grade fever and dry cough. Even after treatment with 4 courses of antibiotics dry cough has not resolved.I am having pain on the right lower side of the rib which is constant and experiencing back pain and pains all over my back and chest in a nonspecific pattern. A chest CT was performed and found subsegmental consolidatory changes in the anterior and lateral basal segments of right lower lobe with bronchial wall thickening, minimal ground glass opacification in the adjacent posterior and medial basal segments, few small mediastinal and axillary lymph nodes, plus few lymph nodes seen in the pretracheal region, few of them showing dense calcification.
My last lab report from december 23rd is as follows
TOTAL COUNT-7200/cumm
Neutrophils-70%, Lymphocytes-28%, Eosinophils-2%
ESR-28 mm/hr.
Still I am having fatigue, dry cough and pains. What can it be?