Sir, I am 35 Years serving and married person, would like to take a treatment from your hospital for HBV infection from last one month. HBs Ag +ve during evaluation for anorexia. Doesn't take alcohol, smoking, No Jaundice, blood tranfusion or surgery and other side habbits etc till date. Blood reports are as under :- Serum Bilirubin 1.2 mg, Bilirubin(D)- 0.8 mg, Hb 16.9g%, S Albumin 4.6g%, Bilirubin (ID)-0.4 mg, AST/ALT - 142/158 on 12 Dec 11 Presently 50/60 after taking Tab UDCA 300 mg - BD, HCV- -ve, HBeAg- -ve, HBV DNA-25 IU/ml, USG Abdomen - Liver normal sie, moderate steatosis presnet, PV/Spleen, Lipid Profile, Blood Sugar, Thyroid are normal. Hb Alc - 5.4%. Blood HB -15.6 gm, TLC-8800, DLC* Noutrophils-56, Eosinophils-06, Lmphocytes - 37, wt - 65 kgs. Spouse ABsAg is -ve.