I recently ( 2 days back ) had my second incident of frank hematuria , i was administered antibiotics and just like last time which happened abt 3ys and 9 months ago , blood stopped immediately. The Ultra sound then had shown normal sized kidneys and everything was normal. However this time Ultra sound revealed a smaller left kidney ( 9.3 * 4 cm) as against 12.4 * 5.3 cm for right kidney, further some mild cortical irregularity was indicated near left pole. I was advised a CT scan which confirmed a scared left kidney of reduced size.with marked cortical thining along inferior pole.Right kidney showed normal morphology .KIDNEYS show normal excretion and concentration of contrast of , ureters show normal course and caliber.No distortion. few prominent lymph nodes are noted in para aottic region lagest 1.5 * 1.1 cm.