I'm 44, F, 200lbs., 5'7. My medical history includes asthma, which is controlled, I have seasonal allergies, oesteoarthritis, ADD, migraines and some neck and back issues. I've had recent bloodwork done and everything is fine there. I take medications for asthma, ADD, acid reflux, muscle relaxers and a variety of pain medicine. I'm having a few problems all of them about my nose and sinuses. I moved from Ohio down to Alabama 6 months ago. I'm getting ready to go back soon. Right before I left I started having problems with my right sinus. When it started, it was just at night but now it sometimes lasts on and off in the day as well. It's as if it's swelling shut where I can't breathe out of it. But there's nothing in it. I'm not blowing out anything and there's nothing draining. Another problem is that there seems to be scabbing in both nostrils at the openings and just up in a little way. They're extremely sore. Next is on the edge of nostril towards the tip of my nose, there's a "knot" or bump. It is really sore. I thought it was a pimple at first or an ingrown hair. Well the scabbing and the bump both went away eventually, but now they have come back again. I don't know what is going on or what to do about it. At least how to make any of it more comfortable until it goes away. I plan on seeing a ENT when I get back to Ohio, but if you could help me out for now I'd really appreciate it. Thank you