Hi my ankle is doing my head in, I have had tones of accidents due to horses and motor bikes so pain is part of my sport but wow rolled ankle while feeding animals, hay shed, running down stack and landing on uneven surface now I always roll my ankle and the way I feel was over the top I think and I heard a noise, rolled on ground like girl (f) almost like giving birth!!! Anyway got on with it. Had full rotation nil grinding, limped in side Iced it, minimal swelling, hardly any brusing. Now a month and half pain is wicked bad, pain in Talus hurts, seems to be a boney chip on my lateral malleolus, medial malleolus is sore as hell and I have had two x rays showing nothing. Can t ride the motor bikes as gear changes are crazy pain, horse hell down still good, driving with clutch a nightmare. Can be asleep and pain wakes me, cannot have bedding on foot it now sleeps out when gets to much or sleep side ways. What the hell is going on? Hope someone out there has seen this before. Again I can say I have an xtra peice of bone on my ankle and the doc doesn t know what it is ? Cannot touch it cannot put to much pressure on top of foot. Have four kids to deal and our family is very sporty help help thank you