I can't sleep at night, when i go to bed my heart rate speeds up and feels like it's pounding, i get chest pains, my left arm feels like it goes really warm and starts aching slightly and my fingers get pins and needless and go numb, i have had four "attack" similar to this where my heart rate goes up to 180 in resting phase, each one worse than the next.... I have this strange "almost heavy feeling" in my left side of my chest and feel incredibly tired all the time. PLS HELP. I have been for an ECG - appart from rapid heart rate and a sligtly elevated PB they couldn't pick up anything else, they say it might be anxiety attacks yet when this happens i am completely lucid and able to think rationally even putting my kids to bed and making bottles and keeping my husband calm... while getting ready to go to ER because my heart wont slow down, I sweat profusely when this happens and sometimes feel slightly lightheaded, i get incredibly cold when it happens and actually shake from the cold. I'm female, 28, smoker, consume a fair amount of coffee and tea every day, not over the top stressed but i do have days when it gets tricky, i have a family history of heart disease, my gran (died- from a heart attack, age 38), my dad and my uncle all have really bad heart disease. These attacks started about 2 months ago out of the blue... I'm starting to feel like a hypocondriac or just a crazy person...