Hello. I am from republic of Georgia. My girlfriend is 19 years old. She is a student. She is not overweight and doesn't have any physical disabilities, though the problem she has is serious nervousness. Every time when she has important exams, gets extremely nervous and stressed with frequent panics. She cries all the time and complains about herself being unable to study, having mental defect and that she can't overcome the exams and has constant fear of getting failed. Moreover, during this periods she often talks about wishing to commit suicide and all the problems will be solved in that way. It is very hard to encourage and get her calmed down despite trying all days and whole days. Once thinking that she is calmed down, she starts panic and crying again and again. Due to this stressful condition, she is really unable to concentrate on studying, loses lots of time in crying and thinking about being unable to reach desired results and lacks of time needed for proper preparation for the exams. In addition, she often admits that, when she starts to read the textbooks, gets extremely sleepy and can't prepare properly. She totally lacks self-motivation and hope for reaching the goal. She complains about future fails and that the end of the semester will be awful in terms of GPA and marks. This problem occurs not only before exams but also some other problems too, which she considers to be hard to solve, starts again crying complaining and gets in panic. Her such kind of problem has awful influence on our love relationship and has very bad impact even on me. I would be very thankful if you inform me your opinion and diagnosis about this case. can it be solved? How can she overcome this problem and in what period of time? How can others be helpful for her, including me? How can doctors help and which doctor should she visit?If any medication will solve this problem? Thank you in advance and hope to receive your answer.