5yrs ago I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy, had a pulip in my stomach was OK, well, time to go back and my colon dr says you should think about this, 72 yrs old, on coumadin, high pressure, asthma, and I had hip surgery done 3 yrs ago and took many hrs to get me out of ansthesia. I see in AARP this is one test not to take over 72, not necessary if no pulips. My cousin 78 had one and died was on coumadin, went home I guess, bled to death. My dr said himself, if I want to live or be around another 10 yrs, I should think of the outcome, telling me almost not to do? My med dr says off coumadin 3 days, the colon dr 5 days? If I have no bleeding, no pulips, in colon should I. I had one in the stomach and he doesn t want to do the endoscope again? really confused. Now my med dr calls and says OK to 5 days of coumadin off? I really am overweight and a lot of problems with my bones. I just want to wake up and not bleed to death. He told me when he did one 2 wks ago, another dr lost patient had stroke and died on the table??? tk you.