You need to do some diagnostic evaluation to rule out infection or isolate disorders to get effective treatment.
Your oral health should be evaluated. XRays are important to determine periodontal health and look for apical abscessed at the end of a tooth root. Make sure that you are current on your recall dental visits and cleanings. Decay,
dry mouth, fungal infections and many other oral conditions may contribute to your reported symptoms.
Gastric disturbances can cause acidic reflux. This can have consequences on your oral environment. Reduce acidic intake and modify diet.
Chronic allergies or change in the season with dryness from heating units can cause dry mouth.
Snoring and
mouth breathing are conditions that can produce your symptoms. Many medications have the side effect of producing a dry mouth. You can stay well hydrated and utilize dental products for a dry mouth. There are rinses, gum, toothpaste and more available for use.
Sinus infections can drain and
post nasal drip can irritate the throat and affect the oral cavity. If left untreated, there may be a chronic, reoccurring infection. Your ears may have a chronic infection that needs treatment with antibiotic. Are you prone to swimmer's ear?
Consider some basic blood tests to rule out any vitamin deficiencies.
I suggest ear and nose plugs while swimming. Swimming often with chlorinated water may be irritating to your throat. Avoid all irritants. Keep well hydrated. Chronicly dried, raw tissue in the throat and nose will be more sensitive. Saline rinses and
nasal spray may help calm tissue and help healing.
Thank you for your inquiry. I hope that my suggestions give you some direction to determine the source of your symptoms.