Hi I ve had a bartholin cyst for going on 4 days now. I ve had one when I was 14 but it came and went away, no pain. This one is an abscess now. After 2 days I started feeling pain and felt the swelling. Went to the ER and was given the choice to lance it and have it drained, or start Bactrim DS with home remedies to let it pass on its own. I chose the antibiotics. I m not a big fan of surgerys, shots, or even doctors offices/ER in general. I believe in home remedies and natural ways to get rid of infection. It s probably the size of a large marble now, painful, and has white milky discharge. Hot baths are helping and I ve only been on Bactrim one day so I m not sure if it s helping. Any other ways to naturally have it gone?