Hi, i am from Romania, my girlfriend has 49, last year has a lot of crises like epilepsy, but it was because of intracranian pressure, then she maked an operation in germany where they are put a device for LCR pressure.In fact, she dissease was in 2009 a mamar neoplasm, with mastectomy, then i guess, because our "doctors" didn't know she has made a paraneoplasic sindrome(?),...then, in 4-5 months she became blind...in germany they discovered meningi...carcinomatosis, and made chemi and radioterapy...now shes's good, after 6 months...but she's blind...is that any way to make an eye globe trabsplant, with optic nerve, together...if it's possible, i will give her one of my eyes..thanks, God bless you