I normally take 40mg of lisinopril daily, as prescribed by my PCP. I have been out of it for about 3 wks and cannot afford to pick up my refill until next week. Since last night, I have been feeling sob, bad headache behind my eyes & on top of head & back of neck, & nausea comes and goes. I just went to ER & where they told my bp reading was 155/101 and P fluctuated from 102 - 120 (they took my bp 4 times). the triage nurse sent me back out to waiting room to wait for an open bed. I left amd came home, thinkimg if it was THAT bad they wouldnt have sent me back to waiting room. Now I am having thoughts. Would u recommend me going back or do u think I could wait to see my PCP on Thurs as long as my symptoms dont worsen?